

Finishing of with the upper body movement we move onto the head, which will be rotating the most. It could be described as a chain reaction where the torso starts moving, causing the next link to move, which in this case is the neck, which in turns causes the head to move. The further along the chain we go, the more we see it significantly move.
Starting at Frame 7 select "ct_head_CTRL" and Rotate X to about 12 units, as this is where the horse is landing on it’s hind legs so the head rolls forward for balance.

Then at Frame 14 rotate it back to about -12 so the head is up when the horse is leaning out on the front right leg. 
The final part is to clean up the curves. Select Frame 1 and 16 and translate them down closer towards Frame 14 and again select the handles adjust the tangents. Here the curve is almost symmetrical identifying that the head is moving up and down at a steady rate. 

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